installing VirtualBox on Linux
hello guys,
welcome to MikeyToTech
As you know that we use VirtualBox to use a guest operating system in our host operating system for may purpose like run Kali linux on windows or other operating system as well.
if you want to install VirtualBox on Kali Linux host so that you will be able to install an operating system like Windows,Linux,android and you can test you hacking attacks. If you want this then follow the steps given below.
also read -
how to install Kali Linux in VMware on windows
how to install kali linux on android without root
here I am going to install VirtualBox on Kali Linux host.
import VirtualBox's repositoru key
First of all you need to import VirtualBox's repository key. So, you can run this command in your terminal -wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
add VirtualBox's repository
Now, we will add VirtualBox's repository to a separate file, so it does not interfere with Kali Linux's main repository.Kali Linux is based on Debian, so wee need to use Debian's current stable version at the time of writing, it's "buster".
run this command in Kali terminal to add virtualbox's repository -
echo "deb [arch=amd64] buster contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list
updating Kali network repository
Now,you need to update network repository, so run command -sudo apt update
VirtualBox has various kernel modules (e.g. vboxdrv, vboxnetflt abd vboxnetadb), wee need to make sure they are kept up-to-date when Kali's kernel gets updated. This can be archived using dkms.
so run this command -
sudo apt install -y dkms
installing VirtualbBox
now, you can install VirutalBox on your Kali Linux by running this commandsudo apt install -y virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack
when prompted, read and accept the license as you can see in the following pictures -
starting VirutalBox
Now, you can start VirtualBox simpling typing command virtualboxexplore MikeyToTech for more hacking tutorial, hacking tools, solution for computer problems and hacking with Kali Linux.