Installing Kali-NetHunter on unrooted android devices

Installing Kali-NetHunter on unrooted android devices

Hello guys,
Welcome to MikeyToTech

Today’s article will be very amazing and interesting for you because rootless Kali-Nethunter has released and in this article I will show you how you can install rootless Kali-NetHunter on you android device. You will also able to use Nethunter in graphical mode on you any android devices without root your device. If you are searching this type of method then your wait is end and follow the steps given below to install Kali-nethunter on your unrooted device.

To install Kali-Nethunter on unrooted android I will use some tools that’s are given below –

1. termux

2. NetHunter store

3. VNC viwer (NetHunter KeX)

You can download termux from google play store and you can also download NetHunter store from and I will use Nethunter KeX VNC viewer, you can download it form NetHunter store.
Now, let’s start –

Step 1:-  Open you terminal, when you open it first time it will be configured. Then you nee to allow storage permission to termux, to do this run command termux-setup-storage it will ask you to allow storage permission click on allow. Now you have to install wget package in termux by which we download Kali-NetHunter setup script, so run command pkg install wget to install wget package.

Step 2:- Now, we will download NetHunter setup script so run command
wget -O install-nethunter-termux

It will download Kali-NetHunter installation script. After downloading script give it executable permission so run command chmod +x install-nethunter-termux now you can run this script by this command ./install-nethunter-termux I will check packages and install Kali-nethunter. It will take some time because it will download Kali-NetHunter file about 1.7GB data. After downloading it will verify integrity of rootfs and extract rootfs file. For it you need about 8GB of free storage on your android device.

Step 3:- Now, you can start NetHunter by running command nethunter in your termux it will start Kali-NetHunter in CLI mode. Here you can run any NetHunter commant for example check Kali-NetHunter release information run command cat /etc/os-release as you can see in the following picture.

Step 4:- Now, we will use VNC server to use NetHunter in GUI mode. Here already configured VNC server named with kex so type command kex passwd to set VNC viewer and enter your password and verify it. You can also set password for view only as you can see in the following picture –

Step 5:- Now, you need to start VNC server so type command kex  and hit enter it will start VNC server. Here you can see DISPLAY number, PORT number and it’s process ID. Now you can connect it through any VNC server. See  the following picture –

Step 6:- Now, open VNC viewer I am using bVNC viewer NetHunter KeX. You need to set Basic VNC, port number, vnc server host. After doing this you can connect it. After connecting you can use Kali-Nethunter in GUI mode as you can see in the following picture –

After successfully connecting Kali-NetHunter will be opened in GUI mode. As shown in the following picture –

You can also connect it on another device.
for this you need to make changes on VNC server configuration file. So type command nano /etc/vnc.conf it will open VNC server configuration file here come to end of the file and type localhost = “no”; and save this file.
Now you need to restart your VNC server so type command kex stop and  kex start  as you can see in the following picture -

Now you can connect it on your another device by NetHunter IP and VNC server port (to check IP - ifconfig).
To run NetHunter as a root run command nethunter -r

I hope you liked this article and you had successfully installed Kali-NetHunter on you unrooted device.
If you have any query or suggestion the comment below.

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